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Promote Your Business On the Web
One of the greatest challenges that you will face as an online business owner is generating traffic to your site. At Bizhosting we help you get off to a good start with our suite of free traffic-building tools to help direct potential customers to your site.

Search Engine Optimization
Our Search Engine optimization tool will analyze your site's pages and tell you what you need to do to make your title, keywords, and META tags as effective as they can be for any given search words. Research shows that most Internet shoppers begin with search engines when searching for a specific product. Getting good placement in the search engines ensures that customers will find your site and your products!

Search Engine Submitter
Once your pages have been optimized, you can submit them to the top search engines using our free tool. Unlike many other business hosting services, we store your pages in a way that is search engine compatible, so you can take advantage of the traffic available from popular search engine services.

Press Release Wizard
Other tools help you to inform your customers and local media, including our Press Release Wizard, which helps you write a press release for your local newspaper promoting your new online storefront.

Track your Promotion Efforts with our Stats and Reports
You can easily focus your advertising efforts when you know how and why people are visiting your web site. With Stats and Reports you will be able to do the following and more:

  • See stats on total traffic to your site.
  • View which pages of your site are getting the most visits.
  • View where people are coming from to get to your site.
  • See which keywords people are typing to get to your site.
  • See which search engines are sending you the most traffic